How to Draw Professionally: The Guidelines
Ever feel like you're just stuck even with your foot down all the way on the accelerator? No matter how hard we try, there are just some barriers we can't seem to overcome. This is how most artists feel when trying to improve their art. So if you share this struggle, don't fret. As it turns out, there are only a few important questions worth answering when improving technical skills. I've gone through the difficulty of compiling those answers into a list of guidelines. The overall questions, not just for the budding artist, but for any artist, are what kind of foundation do you want to provide your future artistic self 20 or 30 years down the road? And how do we, as artists, let our future self solve as few problems as possible that are amassed over time by the past self? Once you think of your artistic development as a sequential historical log of experiences and "achievement points" not only is it more mentally rewarding in the same way a video game is, but it's providing you insight on how to unlock potential you might not have thought was there in the first place.
Purchase this list of guidelines on drawing portraiture to form the concrete foundation for your drawing journey without any need for an expensive art school or to have with you along your journey at an atelier or drawing academy.
A curated, compiled list of guidelines for any artist wanting to improve their technicall skills fast